"Navel Gazing"—A Meditation on Citrus Philosophy
8” x 10”
Oil on Panel
Contact for Details

It all started on a lazy afternoon when the artist found herself staring at a navel orange, captivated by its bright roundness and the belly button-like blossom at the top. The more she gazed, the more it seemed less like a piece of fruit and more like a quiet philosopher. Its dimpled center seemed to hold deep mysteries, as if the orange itself was pondering life’s big questions in perfect stillness. So, she decided to make it her subject—not just as an orange, but as a meditation on the beauty and simplicity we often overlook.

Collectors often ask about the title Navel Gazing—and the artist tells them with a smile, “This is a study in reflection. Sometimes, you have to look deep into the navel to find your inner zest.”

This painting is more than just an orange; it’s about finding depth in simple things and realizing that even the most ordinary moments can peel away profound truths, if we pause long enough to notice.

And, if you look really closely, you might even see the philosopher himself in the shape of a tiny skull reflected in the brightest highlight. Happy gazing.


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