Twilight’s White Rose
Oil on Panel
8 x 10”
Award-Winning Selection in Stamford Art Association “Spring Awakening” Show

As twilight fades, a rose stands quietly. There’s no rush to reveal its meaning, only a slow invitation to consider what lies beneath the surface. Its center, like an unspoken, natural portal into another universe, pulls you in with a quiet allure. It asks you to pause and reflect, not just on the layers of the open petals, but on the hidden depths we all carry within.

The rose doesn’t offer answers; instead, it suggests that understanding comes in time, with patience. Each glance feels like the beginning of a question, as if the center holds something just out of reach. As the natural light dims, the rose seems content to let you wonder, quietly urging you to explore that unknown space within — a reminder that some journeys are meant to unfold slowly, over time, leading us somewhere yet unseen.


The Dinner Guest


Second Thoughts