Sunset in Malta
Oil on Panel
11 x 14”

There is something timeless about the closing of a day, especially in a place like Malta, where the walls have watched the sun set for centuries. In Malta Sunset, the balcony catches the last rays of the sinking sun, holding them just long enough for the world to remember that light, once given, is never truly lost. The fabrics hanging gently from the rail seem almost to linger in the warmth, as if reluctant to let the day slip away entirely.

Beyond the stone and fabric lies the sea, vast and patient, painted in hues of quiet contentment—pinks and purples and golds merging into a gentle farewell. It is a scene not of grandeur, but of peace, a moment when all the bustle of the world ceases to matter. The sun, in its slow descent, does not rush; it leaves with the same grace it arrived, reminding us that beauty is not in what we possess but in what we are willing to let go. There is a softness to this twilight, a whisper of eternity that speaks through the gentle motion of the evening breeze, calling the viewer to pause and remember that there is more to life than the turning of the days.


The Kiss


Whispers of a Pink Rose