Still Life with Onion
12” x 16”
Oil on Panel

This piece explores the humble yet complex nature of the onion. With its layers both visible and hidden, the onion symbolizes much more than a simple vegetable—it represents the unfolding of life’s experiences, with each layer revealing a deeper truth. In many cultures, the onion is seen as a metaphor for self-discovery, where peeling back layers leads to the core of our being, sometimes bringing tears in the process. This symbolism is at the heart of the painting.

The onion, sitting alone in shadow, invites viewers to reflect on the beauty found in the mundane and the many layers of meaning that life holds. As we peel away our own layers, we uncover vulnerabilities and truths that shape who we are. This painting captures that journey of introspection, celebrating the hidden complexity within something as simple as an onion.


The Golden Quince